I don’t know about you, but I’m cold this July! Limuru cold is not a joke! My kids love soup and this is one of our favorites I thought I could share! Another trick I’m happy to share with you about soup…..When you boil meat or chicken, please I urge you, boil it with some herbs and onions, I love boiling with rosemary, mint and lots of leek and red onion. Now when you still have the water, please watch and be careful that it does not all evaporate. When the meat or chicken cooks, pour out this water, into a container, this water is called STOCK. Store this precious water in the fridge (Max 5 days) or freezer (forever!) and use it whenever I pop up a soup recipe.
Now this soup is easy to fix. You need one cup fresh shelled peas, one cup chopped carrots, and lots of leak onion chopped, a knob of butter, stock, salt and pepper. Fry the onions, do not let them brown, add your carrots, and peas and stock, boil till veg is soft and cooked. Process it in your blender, add a knob of butter, adjust salt and pepper and please remember to thank me later .